Advertising on LinkedIn through your paid campaigns can be very effective if your business operates in the B2B area, that is, if you make solutions available for other companies. As a segmentation possibility, there are several ways of detailing your audience, such as: position, business sector, location, among others. As a result, creating and presenting relevant advertisements to the users who receive them, becomes quite simple and appropriate.
Since it is a social network with a more professional communication, it will be possible not only to strengthen your brand, but also to capture new qualified leads and thus prosper more sales.
When advertising through LinkedIn's paid advertising platform, there are three ways to communicate your message to your clients:
This is the type of advertising on LinkedIn that allows you to display ads on any device and it is ideal for companies looking for new followers and greater interaction with the ad. Whether in an image or video format, or through a simple text publication, this is the ad option that may take up more space in the user's feed, which may mean higher rates of interaction with the ad and conversion.
If you're looking to advertise on LinkedIn and keep costs low, this scenario provides your message to your target audience at a lower cost. However, this type of advertising, delivers ads in a discreet way, mainly using text ads, displayed on the side of the feed of this professional network.
With this type of campaign on LinkedIn, it will be possible to send personalised messages to users who constitute your target audience. Ideal for directing more personalised messages and, as it is an advertisement that does not directly focus on the user's feed with other publications, it has higher conversion rates.
With LinkedIn advertising you can direct your advertising to a specific group of professionals. Invest in this professional network.